
Set up Fluxon in your project.


Before installing Fluxon, ensure you have the following prerequisites:


v1.7 or later


v0.20 or later

Tailwind CSS

v3.4 or later

Setting up your project

  1. Add the Hex Repository

    Fluxon is available as a Hex package. Follow these steps to integrate it into your Phoenix project:

    1. Obtain the FLUXON_KEY_FINGERPRINT and FLUXON_LICENSE_KEY from your account dashboard.

    2. Add the repository using the following command:

      sh terminal
      mix hex.repo add fluxon \
        --fetch-public-key $FLUXON_KEY_FINGERPRINT \
        --auth-key $FLUXON_LICENSE_KEY
  2. Install Fluxon

    Once the repository is added, add Fluxon to your project dependencies:

    ex mix.exs
    {:fluxon, "~> 1.0.0", repo: :fluxon}

    Run mix deps.get to install the package.

  3. Configure Your Project

    Several files need to be updated to fully integrate Fluxon into your project:

    1. Update the lib/[app_name]_web.ex file to include the Fluxon module.

      ex [app_name]_web.ex
      defp html_helpers do
        quote do
          import Phoenix.HTML
          use Fluxon
          # ...
    2. Modify the assets/package.json file to include the Fluxon JS package. If the file doesn't exist, create it.

      {} package.json
        "dependencies": {
          "fluxon": "file:../deps/fluxon"
    3. Update assets/tailwind.config.js to allow TailwindCSS to process the Fluxon component classes.

      js tailwind.config.js
      module.exports = {
        content: [
          // ...
        // ...
    4. Update the assets/js/app.js file to include the Fluxon hooks and the onBeforeElUpdated function.

      js app.js
      import { Hooks as FluxonHooks, DOM as FluxonDOM } from 'fluxon';
      let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {
        hooks: {...Hooks, ...FluxonHooks},
        dom: {
          onBeforeElUpdated(from, to) {
            FluxonDOM.onBeforeElUpdated(from, to);