Date Picker, Autocomplete, and Documentation
After months of work, I'm excited to release the biggest Fluxon UI update since the initial release. This version introduces two major new components: Date Picker and Autocomplete, along with documentation for all components.
Date Picker Component
By far the most complex component in the Fluxon UI catalog, and I dare there will be another more complex than that in the future.
Although it's the same component under the hood, the Date Picker component comes in three variations:
- Date Picker: For selecting single and multiple dates
- Date Time Picker: For selecting single date and time
- Date Range Picker: For selecting date ranges

The biggest highlight here is that the component was built all from scratch. You read it right, that sounds crazy, but trying to use any existing datepicker library out there would eventually lead to similar or maybe even more work in the end, not to mention it would add a new dependency, bigger bundle size and more. Doing it from scratch allowed me to have full control over the component behavior, shape it to Fluxon UI's aesthetic and fully integrate it with Phoenix and LiveView.
In the end it resulted in a fully accessible and simple to use component:
label="Birth Date"
placeholder="Select your birth date"
Check out the Date Picker, Date Time Picker and Date Range Picker component pages for more examples and information.
Autocomplete Component
The Autocomplete is the brother of the existing Select component. Both offer the same goal of selecting a value from a list, but they differ in the way they are used and the UX they provide.

Like the component name suggests, the Autocomplete component is built on top of an input field that is used to filter the options. One of the big features of the component is that it supports server-side (LiveView) filtering, which means it's a good choice if you are dealing with a large number of options.
label="Select User"
placeholder="Search users..."
Check out the Autocomplete component page for more examples and information.
Looking back, not having proper documentation from the start was one of my biggest mistakes with Fluxon UI. Today, I'm happy to announce that the documentation is now available at
Documentation is an ongoing effort. I'll continue to add more examples, improve existing content, and expand the API reference as Fluxon UI evolves.